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Transistional Housing - Rapid Re-Housing

Transitional Housing - Rapid Re-Housing

Intervention assistance connecting young adults facing homelessness to permanent housing and tailored assistance.

Bill Wilson Center's Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing (TH-RRH) program provides services to homeless youth (ages 18-24) to prepare them for independent living and building strong connections to the community. The TH-RRH program model assists homeless youth to move quickly from homelessness to transitional housing into permanent housing. TH-RRH is a critical service that fills an unmet need in our community by providing immediate shelter to a sub-population facing unique challenges to securing housing.

BWC’s intervention assistance is offered without preconditions — like employment, income, absence of criminal record, or sobriety — and the resources and services provided are tailored to the unique needs of the household.

TH-RRH clients can receive a variety of assistance, including: short-term or medium-term rental assistance, housing relocation, stabilization services, and case management.

The fundamental goal of the program is to keep a person from becoming chronically homeless and is an important component of our community’s response to homelessness.